Mycotoxin workshop on 22/02/2018 in Harare, Zimbabwe
On Thursday 22 February 2018, MYTOX-SOUTH organizes a food-safety workshop in Harare (The Rainbow Towers, Zimbabwe). The theme of the workshop is “Mycotoxins: the hidden threat to human health in Zimbabwe”. The event will be organized in three key sessions, namely:
- Occurrence of mycotoxins in food commodities in Zimbabwe.
- Human dietary exposure to mycotoxins in Zimbabwe.
- Mycotoxin mitigation strategies for Zimbabwe.
The program can be consulted here: Programme_Zimbabwe_final. This workshop is funded by RANDOX Laboratories & the Ghent University Global Minds Fund. There is FREE registration!
MYTOX-SOUTH will have an active participation in this one-day workshop by lectures of Dr. Sarah De Saeger, Dr. Loveness Nyanga & Dr. Marthe De Boevre. Most importantly, Dr. Melody Ndemera will disseminate the results of her PhD entitled: “Human dietary exposure to mycotoxins in Zimbabwe and related risk assessment and management”. Her PhD determined a large aflatoxin and fumonisin exposure of Zimbabweans through maize consumption, and identified agronomical practices and measures to mitigate future exposure. The scientific findings of this research are a starting point in advocating for the implementation of relevant legislation with the aim of reducing dietary exposure of Zimbabweans to mycotoxins via locally grown maize and other commodities. Furthermore, different African research groups who are conducting mycotoxin research will also present their findings at the workshop. Furthermore, the organizers expect to stimulate the awareness and action to tackle mycotoxin occurrence and exposure in Zimbabwe. This is intended to realize mycotoxin exposure reduction at national level, through the initiation of national measures for mycotoxin control and informing policy makers. For more information, you can contact Dr. Melody Ndemera.
See you in Zimbabwe!