Project in collaboration with University of Johannesburg
To date, MYTOX-SOUTH is investigating the mycotoxin exposure in Limpopo (South-Africa) in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg, represented by Prof. Patrick Njobeh. As part of this collaboration, Orphélie Lootens, who is a master student at Ghent University, carried out food & biosampling in South-Africa. In the following weeks, she will analyze these samples in the Laboratory of Food Analysis at Ghent University. Orphélie is co-working with a master student from the University of Johannesburg, Shandry Tebele. This approach, in which two master students from different locations work together, is unique and is an example of good practice for future projects in MYTOX-SOUTH.
The results of this study will permit to assess the mycotoxin exposure for the Limpopo population, and evaluate the best strategies to reduce mycotoxin intake in this region of South-Africa.