WORKSHOP on “Trouble-shooting in mycotoxin detection” during ASM-MYTOX-SOUTH Stellenbosch Conference: TRAVEL GRANT

MYTOX-SOUTH aims to increase human capacity in mycotoxin research & development, focusing on low-and middle income countries to tackle the mycotoxin problem and the associated food safety & food security issues. In this way, MYTOX-SOUTH organizes together with the African Society of Mycotoxicology (ASM) an international mycotoxin conference in Stellenbosch (South-Africa) in September 2020 (visit the link).
The Organizing Committee programmed a special session in the conference-outline for technical staff-members and researchers. This hands-on “Trouble-shooting session for mycotoxin detection” will be used to discuss and solve the most important technical challenges present during mycotoxin analysis (sample preparation, analysis methods and data processing). For this reason, MYTOX-SOUTH makes a call to receive from technical staff-members and researchers specific technical challenges which they encounter in their respective laboratories/analysis protocols during their mycotoxin analysis. Most of the technical challenges received will be discussed during the special session in the conference and session organizers (MYTOX-SOUTH technical staff from Ghent University) will explain how to solve them. Moreover, MYTOX-SOUTH is glad to announce that among the received application, three travel grants to attend the 3rd African Symposium on Mycotoxicology will be distributed. The grants offer an unique opportunity to improve the technical skills and mycotoxin knowledge as well as to establish a great professional experience. Deadline March 16th 2020 – use following templates to apply.

Call for application_TechnicalChallengesWorkshop_Stellenbosch2020
